About site

The pictures are arranged on web albums on the links provided in the posts.

I'm adding as well a link to my own websites, a professional blog, a professional website, a travel photo album, Photographic portofolio and Viewbug account .


January 9, 2009

Sohodol pass, Romania

I made another trip to Sohodol pass, which is situated at only 25 km from Tirgu-Jiu. It is a wonderfull river passing through the valley, which can be seen in the pictures in the folowing link: Sohodol.
Am făcut o altă călătorie la cheile Sohodolului, care sunt situate la numai 25 km de Târgu-Jiu. Este un râu minunat trecând prin vale, care poate fi văzut în pozele de pe linkul următor: Sohodol.

January 4, 2009

Polatiste creek and valley of Jiu, Romania

It was a cold, but sunny day and we decided to take a drive to Polatiste creek in Carpathian mountains, through the Valley of Jiu. It is amazing what water and sub-zero temperatures can create. You can see it for yourself in: Polatiste river and Jiu Valley.
A fost o zi  rece, dar însorită şi am decis să facem o călătorie la pârâul Polatişte în munţii Carpaţi, prin valea Jiului. Este uimitor ce pot face apa şi temperatura sub punctul de îngheţ. Puteţi vedea personal aici: Polatiste river and Jiu Valley.