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May 23, 2011

Trails from Geres, Portugal

  Some new pictures from the lake of Vilharino das Furnas: Vilharinho das Furnas.      
  Last Sunday I visited Geres again. This time it was the Eagle's trail(Trilho da Águia do Sarilhão). It was really nice and I enjoyed the hike and the swimm in the lake. Here are some pictures: Eagle's Trail Geres.
There are many trails on Geres and I hope to make them all: Geres trails.
         The next hiking in Geres was in Trilho dos Currais(The corral trail). It was great. If you want to look for yourself, here you go: Trihlo De Currais.
        One other place to see is the church of Sao Bento in Geres: Sao Bento Geres. In 15 august was the time to visit Geres again and to hike on Trilho de Sao Bento. Well part of it, because I missed the trail and had to make a bigger walk instead. Anyway, here are the pictures: Trilho De Sao Bento.
     Another trail is the Trilho de Preguiça, a bit more up from Villa do Geres: Trilho de Preguica.
     A new Sunday, another trail: Trilho dos Miradouros.
    In another weekend I made a trip from Villa do Geres to Sao Bento Villa do Geres to Sao Bento. It was a great trip although I lost the buss and had to make the trip back on foot for must of the way...
     Second day of October brought on another trip to Geres, to Arado waterfall, from Geres to Pedra Bella, the waterfall , Ermida and back to the main road on Villa de Veiga, around 20 km in total.  It was a nice trip but I hope to see the waterfall again, because I spent so much time getting there that I did not had time to see the area around the waterfall. Here are some of the pictures: Arado waterfall.
      A few new pictures from Trilho dos Corillos done on 22 October: Geres Trihlo De Corillos Going Of Course.
         On 30 of October I made a new crossing between Villa do Geres and Sao Bento: Villa do Geres Sao Bento second. I took another way this time and went to one of the peaks. On the bright side, I did not lost the buss this time :).
          Six of November, a very sunny day and another trail between Villa do Geres and Sao Bento: Villa do Geres to Sao Bento, new way. It was good at first, but on the last part I tried a new way and by the time I finally got through I had the feeling I would need a machete to cut through all the blackberry bushes :).
        A new trail, from Portela do Homem, along Rio Homem until Minas dos Caris. It is an amazing view even on bad weather, which included a snowfall :). Here are some pictures: Rio Homem.
       Another trip to  Vilharino das Furnas  to see the ruins and other things: Vilarinho das Furnas ruins. A new visit to Arado river and his surroundings: Rio Arado.
A short trail around Casa de Leonte: Leonte.
A great trail starting from Portela do Homem towards a peak which I still did not identified yet on the north side: Portela do Homem. Since this was the first time I used a GPS device is also the first time when i provide a GPS file of the hike, which can be seen in the BaseCamp software or Garmin GPS: Portela do Homem GPS trail. A new trip to along Rio Homem Minas dos Caris.
Another trip to a peak close to Portela do Homem, a bit more higher then the other one at 1228 m: Portela do homem peak 1228.
A trip along rio Arado to the river source: rio Arado source.
This time it was a trip to another part of Geres, around rio Conho, close to Fafiao. Great views along the way and nice trail: rio Conho. A trip to Carris peak, the second highest peak in Geres, going to the old road and coming back on the cliffs at the border with Spain: Carris peak. Some pictures from a canoe trip on Rio Caldo: Rio Caldo.
Another trip close to Fafiao, this time along Fafiao river: Rio Fafiao. A week after another trip along the river, going to a dam: Rio Fafiao dam.
In the last weekend of September I went back to Vilharinho das Furnas, on the first hike on the right side of the lake. The views from the mountain range are amazing: Vilharinho das Furnas antenas. The passing through Geres next to the from Villa do Geres to Campo do Geres: Geres crossing. New pictures from the epic Erasmus trip to pico de Nevosa , highest one in Geres, going through Minas dos Carris: Nevosa peak. The GPS data can be found here: Portela do Homem-Minas dos Carris-Pico de Nevosa. A small hike arround Portela do Homem and some place over the Spanish border: Spanish border. A small trek from Leonte towards Varzela: Leonte Varzela. A canoe trip to the Southern corner of rio Caldo lake, where i have seen the Arado river and the a dam which is on Cavado river Canoe trip on rio Caldo lake. A circular trail from Leonte to Borageirro and coming back to Leonte: Leonte Borageirro Leonte. A new trail from Leonte it was in the opposite side of the road going to Pe do Cabril, with an excellent view of the lake of Vilharinho das Furnas: Leonte Pe do Cabril. Another good trip was in Fafiao, after the rain when allot of waterfalls were full of water: Fafiao after rain. A trip to Castro Laboreiro, enabled me to make really nice photos, including on the way back through Lobios in Spain: Castro Laboreiro.

May 16, 2011

Geres, Portugal

This last weekend i finally visited Geres, the national park near Braga. First we we visited the fortress in the hill next to the Povoa de Lanhoso: Povoa De Lanhosa. After that we visited Geres and Rio Caldo, where we made a boat trip and went in the park. Here are some pictures: Rio Caldo and Geres.

May 10, 2011

Coimbra, Portugal

My first visit to Coimbra was during the Queima Das Fitas, a big student celebration Coimbra Queima Das Fitas (Burning Of The Ribbons). It was a huge celebration and a great party which was celebrated not only by the students, but by the parents and the entire city how it seems. It seems a nice city and I should visit that again when is more quiet :). I finally made that trip at the end of October 2013: Coimbra.

May 1, 2011

Diving in O Grove, Spain

Diving in Spain was great. It was the  first time on Spain for me, I joined the Barcelos diving school on a trip to O Grove, just a bit north of Vigo. Here are some pictures from there: Diving Spain.