About site

The pictures are arranged on web albums on the links provided in the posts.

I'm adding as well a link to my own websites, a professional blog, a professional website, a travel photo album, Photographic portofolio and Viewbug account .


December 27, 2016

Moldovian Republic

My first visit to Moldovian republic included visits to ChisinauCricova and Orhei.

July 24, 2016

Romania 2016

           First trip this year, just going to the mountains to Ceahlau mountain ridge : Durau. After this we went to the Bicaz dam, Bicaz canyon and a short stay at the Red lake.
           Another30-31 July a camping trip, first after few years going next to the Pangarati lake, making some boat trips and staying at a camping site  Bicaz boat and Izvorul alb. Next day we went to a more extended stay at Around Red Lake and made a stop to visit : Piatra Neamt.
          A short vacation to my grandparents village allowed me to make some pictures : Calnic. In the return trip towards Iasi I took a road-trip and we made some stops along the way : Curtea de Arges, Rucar pass and Bran castle.
         A new trip towards Ceahlau mountains making a circular trail from Durau through Fantanele Cabin staying the night to the camping close to Dochia Cabin and descending throught the Duruitoarea waterfall : Durau trail. At the return trip we passed through an old fortress : Cetatea Neamtului.
 A new trip towards the monasteries brought me to Probota monastery, to the more famous Voronet Monastery and we have seen the mountains in Gura Humorului.
An amazing trip to Ceahlau mountains in the winter got us snow and more unfortunately rain, but it was worth it : Ceahlau in winter.

April 17, 2016

Iasi, Romania

        I moved in Iasi in September 2015, but I only started to live here since 10 October 2015. There are many things to love here and I started to discover them. One of the first things to love is without a doubt the: botanical garden. One other interesting spot is the Cetatuia monastery and a picnic spot on the Hill with the antena. Strange enough, the garbage dump provided me with an opportunity to take some very interesting photos of scavenging birds: the birds.
         The spring of 2016 gave me the chance to see the tulips collection, a bit decayed, but still spectacular. I have also some pictures from a bike trip made next to Chirita lake near  Iasi and Jijia river: bike trip. Here are some pictures from the rooftop of my building in: Podul Ros.