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I'm adding as well a link to my own websites, a professional blog, a professional website, a travel photo album, Photographic portofolio and Viewbug account .


April 13, 2009

Sky mountain, Denmark

Not much mountains in Denmark, and the highest point is called Sky mountain, which is more like a big hill, but it has a very nice view. It was a nice day, so i decided to bike there, which finally was a trip of 90 km. I was dead tired after that, but there were few landscapes worth the effort: Sky Mountain Denmark.

Nu sunt mulţi munţi în Danemarca, şi cel mai înalt punct este numit Muntele Cerului, care este de fapt mai mult ca un deal mare, dar are o vedere faină. A fost o zi frumoasă, deci am decis să merg acolo cu bicicleta, care în final a fost o călătorie de 90 km. Am fost mort de obosit după aceea, dar au fost câteva privelişti care au meritat efortul: Sky Mountain Denmark.

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