About site

The pictures are arranged on web albums on the links provided in the posts.

I'm adding as well a link to my own websites, a professional blog, a professional website, a travel photo album, Photographic portofolio and Viewbug account .


August 12, 2008

Aachen, Germany

Aachen, Germany at the border with Netherlands and Belgium. I stayed there for 3 years and three months. It may seem strange but i just have few pictures: Aachen. It is a nice city, not an extraordinary one, but I liked to live there. Some more pictures from the Aachen old city hall (now a museum): Aachen city hall.

Aachen, Germania, la graniţa cu Belgia şi Olanda. Am stat aici timp de 3 ani şi 3 luni. Poate părea ciudat dar am doar câteva poze: Aachen. Este un oraş fain, nu unul extraordinar, dar mi-a plăcut să locuiesc acolo. Nişte fotografii în plus din primăria veche a Aachenului (acum un muzeu): Aachen City hall.

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