About site

The pictures are arranged on web albums on the links provided in the posts.

I'm adding as well a link to my own websites, a professional blog, a professional website, a travel photo album, Photographic portofolio and Viewbug account .


August 12, 2008

Lille, France

I visited Lille in 2004, for a NMR conference. It was during Braderie, a special celebration in the city, when most of the restaurants sell clams. In one of the pictures you can see o huge pile of them next to the restaurant. Anyway the city is beautiful: Lille and it has a very interesting Zoo: Lille Zoo.

Am vizitat Lille în 2004, pentru o conferinţă RMN. A fost în timpul Braderie, o celebrare specială în oraş, cind cele mai multe restaurante vând moluşte. Într-o poză puteţi vedea o grămadă uriaşă de scoici lângă restaurant. Oricum oraşul este frumos: Lille şi are o grădină zoologică foarte interesantă: Lille Zoo.

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