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May 13, 2008

Stockholm, Sweden

Many times I heard people saying that Stockholm is wonderful, but I never thougth that it will be so beautiful. Especially if you visit the city with good friends and you are lucky enough to have sun on your side: Stockholm Sigthseing. The next day we have visited the museums: first the Vasa museum Stockholm Vasa, then we visited the Aquaria musem Stockholm Aquaria, and we finished the day with a view from the top of the television tower (155m)Stockholm Kaknastornet. The last day was reserved for a new view from the top of the city hall tower Stockholm City Hall, and a boat trip to a island were we could see the residence of royal family Stockholm Boat Trip .

De multe ori am auzit oamenii spunând că Stockholm este minunat, dar nu am crezut că poate fi aşa de frumos. În special dacă vizitezi oraşul cu prieteni buni şi eşti destul de norocos sa ai soarele de partea ta: StockholmSigthseing.  Ziua următoare am vizitat muzeele: prima oară muzeul Vasa Stockholm Vasa, apoi am vizitat muzeul Acquaria Stockholm Aquaria şi am terminat ziua cu o vedere din vârful turnului televiziunii(155m) Stockholm Kaknastornet. Ultima zi a fost rezervată pentru o privelişte nouă din vârful primăriei Stockholm City Hall şi o plimbare cu vaporaşul la o insulă unde am putut vedea rezidenţa familiei regale Stockholm Boat Trip.