About site

The pictures are arranged on web albums on the links provided in the posts.

I'm adding as well a link to my own websites, a professional blog, a professional website, a travel photo album, Photographic portofolio and Viewbug account .


June 29, 2008

Lund, Sweden

It seems that i forgot to say anything about Lund, the city where I live now. Universitary city, the oldest in Sweden it is a very nice place to live in. You can take a peek here: Lund.
Se pare că am uitat să spun ceva despre Lund, oraşul în care trăiesc acum.Oraş universitar, cel mai vechi din Suedia este un loc foarte bun de locuit. Puteţi arunca o privire aici: Lund.

June 22, 2008

Road trip to Ale Stenar, Sweden

They were once 9 people which have decided to make a trip to Ale Stenar for Midsummer. Ale Stenar has a very interesting monument similar with Stonehange. There are many stones, with a weigth of several tons, which are arranged like an ancient viking boat with a length of 60m. In midsummer's day,  the sun set in the line with the length of the boat. We managed to arrive there at 4 20 in the morning, just in time to watch the sunrise and get really wet by a short ice-storm: Sunrise Ale Stenar. We continued our trip along the east coast of Skane and we went to a beach, to enjoy the brief moment of sunshine: Malarhusen. Next stop was Simrishamn, were we stopped just for a moment: Simrishamn. The medieval castle from Glimmingehus: Glimmingehus was next on our list. My favorite part of the trip was the national park of Stenshuvud, were we had a picnic at the beach,  played some volleyball and we made a short hiking: Stenshuvud. We returned to Ale Stenar to watch the sunset. At the moment when we arrived there was a musical group singing I guess some christian music, then we saw some people with parachutes flying in the sunset, and some incantation from a druidic group. It was a bit cold at that time we really enjoyed the sunset: Sunset Ale Stenar. Some additional information about Ale Stenar can be found here: Ale Stenar.

Midsummer, Sweden

Middle of the summer is an important date in Swedish calendar. It is celebrated on 21 of June, with picnics traditional food (like herrings prepared in a special way) and drinks. Before midsummer there is the day before, 20 of June, when they build a pole adorned with green branches and flowers, and dance around it: Midsummer.
Mijlocul verii este o dată importantă în calendarul suedez. Este celebrat în 21 iunie, cu picnicuri cu mâncare tradiţională (ca heringi preparaţi în mod special) şi băuturi. Înainte de mijlocul verii există p zi specială, 20 iunie, unde construiesc un stâlp împodobit  cu ramuri verzi şi flori, şi danseaza imprejurul lui: Midsummer.

June 19, 2008

Lomma, Sweden

Lomma is a beach pretty close to Lund. It is a small village there, not very spectacular, but pretty nice : Lomma. It used to be on flickr, but I had to change for google when they got greedy. Have fun!

Lomma este o plajă destul de aproape de Lund. Este un sat mic acolo, nu foarte spectaculos, dar destul de fain: Lomma. Era pe flickr, dar a trebuit sa schimb pe google atunci cand au devenit lacomi. Distraţi-va!

June 16, 2008

Dalby Stenbrott, Sweden

I love lakes. I guess it goes back to the childhood fairytales, but i always thougth about lakes like a magical place. This lake is just some water which is flooded and old quarry, but i really like what i saw there. I hope you can share my pleasure when you see this pictures: Dalby Stenbrott.
Îmi plac lacurile. Bănuiesc ca vine de la povestirile din copilărie, dar m-am gândit întotdeauna despre lacuri ca un loc magic. Acest lac este doar apă care a inundat o carieră veche, dar îmi place foarte mult ce am văzut acolo. Sper ca puteţi sa-mi împărtaşiţi placerea când vedeţi pozele: Dalby Stenbrott.

June 9, 2008

Södarasen national park, Sweden

Camping trip to Södarasen, the Great Canyon of Skane. Well not so big and actually not a canyon. Still is a great place to visit, and a good place for camping, despite the mousquitos. You can admire his beauty in the folowing link: Sodarasen.
Călătorie cu cortul la  Södarasen, marele canion din Skane. De fapt, nu atât de mare şi nu un canion. Totuşi este un loc fantastic de vizitat şi un loc bun pentru camping în ciuda tânţarilor. Îi puteţi admira frumuseţea în următorul link: Sodarasen.

June 5, 2008

Landskrona and Ven island, Sweden

Together with few of my friends I have made a trip to Lanskrona. From there we can just take a trip with the ferry to Ven island: Landskrona and Ven Island. It was a beautiful place with some amazing views, and I intend to go back there soon.

Împreuna cu câtiva din prietenii mei am făcut o calătorie la Landskrona: Landskrona and Ven Island. De aici putem face o călătorie cu vaporaşul la insula Ven: . Este un loc frumos cu nişte privelişti fantastice, şi doresc să mă întorc acolo în curând.