About site

The pictures are arranged on web albums on the links provided in the posts.

I'm adding as well a link to my own websites, a professional blog, a professional website, a travel photo album, Photographic portofolio and Viewbug account .


August 8, 2011

Tui, Spain and Valenca Portugal

The river Minho flows between Spain and Portugal. On the Spanish side there is a city called Tui: Tui. On the Portuguese side there is another city called Valença: Valença. On the way back we stoped on a small city called Arcos de Valdevez: Arcos De Valdevez.

August 4, 2011

Citania de Briteiros, Portugal

Citania de Briteiros contains the ruins of an old Celtic settlement which can be seen here: Citania De Briteiros.