About site

The pictures are arranged on web albums on the links provided in the posts.

I'm adding as well a link to my own websites, a professional blog, a professional website, a travel photo album, Photographic portofolio and Viewbug account .


September 12, 2018

Roadtrip home and back again

This year I went to my home city with the car. My first stop was in Fagaras where I saw an ancient fortress then I made a short hike to Balea waterfall and made frequent stops in the mountain pass: Transfagarasanul. At the exit from this pass I spent some time in the Vidraru lake to see one of the great dams on the Arges river. When I was at home I visited some place in my county: Ponoare and Balutei canyon. On the return trip I cross the mountains in the highest road from Romania: Transalpina. After this I stopped to Vidra lake, passed on the Lotru river and seen a fortified church on the way.

Ion Creanga memorial house

Pictures from Ion Creanga memorial house: Ion Creanga memorial house.

Paris, june 2018

Some pictures from Paris in June: Paris in June.