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The pictures are arranged on web albums on the links provided in the posts.

I'm adding as well a link to my own websites, a professional blog, a professional website, a travel photo album, Photographic portofolio and Viewbug account .


October 13, 2010

Skagen, Denmark

My trip to Skagen in the weekend of 9-10 October 2010. It was quite late in the year but the weather was still good enough. I managed to get some good photos and the cycling between the dunes was great: Skagen. It was amazing to see the dunes tamed by the diverse vegetation and how nature was preserved in a quite a touristic place.

August 10, 2010

Trip to Romania

Summer is here again and I took my vacation for home in Romania. We did some trips around our place and one the first trip was in small village of Ponoare. Here there is a calcareous zone and there is a cave and a system of karst therefore the regional name in Romanian Ponoare. You can see some of the images here: Ponoare. Next was a short mushroom trip to the home village of my father, Ciuperceni: Mushroom trip. Another day trip was in a nearby region, crossing the Godeanu mountains: Godeanu Mountains, going along the: Cerna Valley, making a boat trip on the Danube: Danube Trip and making the return home through another road less beautiful, but more gentle to the car. The next trip was in Transylvania. The first stop was in the old capitol of roman Dacia province Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa: Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa. The next stop was in Hunedoara, where we visited the Huniad castle: Huniad Castle. We concluded our trip with a visit to the capitol of old Dacia Sarmizegetusa Regia, and to a fortress which was a part of the line of the defense: Costesti Fortress.

July 25, 2010

Trip to Florence, Italy

I had to make a trip to Florence, Italy for a conference. The conference was great and i meet allot of old colleagues and new friends but i managed to squeze some time to visit the city: Florence. I managed to get also some time to visit Pisa: Pisa. Before my trip home i went to the beautiful city of Siena: Siena.

June 14, 2010

Møn, Denmark

A trip to Møn, a island in  south of Copenhagen. A beautiful place, with the exception of the difficulty to find a place to camp. the view was so spectacular that i had problems thinking we are still in Denmark :). We slept in a tent next to the sea and we heard the wave through the short nordic summer night. You can judge by yourself : Møn.

Trip to Sweden

It was a great trip, with a lot of things to see. We left from Aarhus, got the ferry from Frederikshavn to Goteburg and we rented a car there and just drove. We started with the national park in the wetlands: Store Mosse Natural Park and then we drove to the big lakes: Kinnekulle. The best part of the trip was the visit to Smogen on the west coast of Sweden and to the nearby  Ramsvik Natural Park. I love the rocks next to the ocean, they seem always so wild and powerful.

Braga, Portugal

My first visit to Portugal it was great. I was lucky to benefit from a beautiful day and a helpful friend,  and I visited also Esposende, a small city next to the Atlantic ocean: Esposende. I had time to visit the city itself, and I hope I will have a great time living there for the next two years: Braga. In Braga the church is powerful and it has the high ground in the hills surrounding the city. There are two big churches at: Bom Jesus and Sameiro, which are nice and have a great view of the city. I made another trip to Esposende on April 2011: Esposende and Apulia. Sometimes there are some exhibitions on the city like this one: Car Show. New places to go hiking are around the San Marta church on the hills. It seems that the church go that hill too. Here are some pictures from there: Braga San Marta. Also there are interesting places around Braga which you can find when you get lost: Lost around Braga. A series of pictures in taken in the Braga during the night: Braga night. Another hike from Braga to Guimaraes enabled me to take more pictures: Hike Braga Guimaraes.

January 4, 2010

Gran Canaria, Spain

I wanted to see the sun and to feel a warm breeze so I went to the Canary islands for the new year. I stayed in Playa del Ingles, in Gran Canaria: Playa Del Ingles. The weather was great for the New Year period and I had time to visit Las Palmas: Las Palmas, but not enough time to see the mountains. I managed to make a short visit to Tenerife, where I visited the capital, which is much bigger then I thought, but allot less interesting: Tenerife. My favorite time was the visit to the central volcano in Tenerife, Teide peak. I was only able to reach 3555 meters because I did not managed to get the permit to claim the last 200 meters... Nonetheless the view was breathtaking: Teide Mountain.
My second trip to Gran Canaria brought me to another resort: Taurito. I had the opportunity to visit new beaches and resorts around the island: Puerto De MoganMaspalomas. My personal favorite was a drive in the mountains where the Teide peak from Tenerife was clearly visible from Mount Roque: Mountain Drive. Also a great view was around Soria: Soria Lake, Soria Waterfall. The last trip was a boat trip from Puerto Rico to Puerto Mogan: Boat Trip.
Am vrut să văd soarele şi să simt un o briză caldă, aşa că am mers în insulele Canare pentru anul nou. Am stat în Playa del Ingles, în Gran Canaria: Playa Del Ingles.Vremea a fost grozavă pentru perioada de anul nou şi am avut timp să vizitez Las Palmas: LasPalmas, dar nu suficient timp să văd munţii. Am reuşit să fac o scurtă vizită la Tenerife, unde am vizitat capitala, care este mai mare decât am crezut, dar mai puţin interesantă: Tenerife. Momentul favorit al întregii vacanţe a fost vizita la vulcanul central din Tenerife, vârful Teide. Nu am reuşit să urc decât până la 3555 metri pentru că nu am reuşit să iau permisul să urc ultimii 200 de metri... Oricum, priveliştea îţi tăia respiraţia: Teide Mountain.
A doua călătorie la Gran Canaria m-a adus la altă staţiune: Taurito. Am avut ocazia să vizitez plaje şi staţiuni noi în jurul insulei: Puerto De Mogan, Maspalomas. Favorita mea a fost o călătorie cu maşina în munţi, unde