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January 15, 2008

Germany trip, Germany

Last year in October, I was in Germany for a course. Anyway I was just taking the opportunity to make a few short trips after the course was finished. So I went to the Black forest for few days. My first stop was in Donaueschingen, the origin of Danube:  Donaueschingen. After this I went to Titisee where I made some hiking in the woods: Titisee Black Forest. The next stop was in Baden Baden, where I made a short walk in the city. I was not very impressed maybe because I had higher expectations, for this city: Baden Baden. The last stop from this trip was in Frankfurt: Frankfurt. It is an amazing city in itself, but my favorite part was the botanical garden: Frankfurt Botanical Garden.
Anul trecut am fost în Germania pentru un curs de perfecţionare. După ce cursul a luat sfârşit am profitat de ocazie ca sa fac cateva mici excursii. Prima oprire a fost în Donaueschingen, la izvoarele Dunării:  Donaueschingen. După aceea am vizitat Titisee unde am făcut câteva drumeţii în pădure: Titisee Black Forest. Următoarea oprire a fost în Baden Baden, unde am făcut o plimbare prin oras. Nu am fost foarte impresionat, pentru că aveam aşteptări mai mari de la acest oraş: Baden Baden. Ultima oprire a fost în Frankfurt: Frankfurt. Este un oraş fantastic, dar partea care mi-a plăcut în mod deosebit a fost grădina botanică: Frankfurt Botanical Garden.

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