About site

The pictures are arranged on web albums on the links provided in the posts.

I'm adding as well a link to my own websites, a professional blog, a professional website, a travel photo album, Photographic portofolio and Viewbug account .


April 17, 2008

Lyon, France

Some time ago I visited my sister in Lyon and had the oportunity to visit the city. I think is a charming city, with great landscapes. Because I usually get lost in a new city I managed to see some things that no other tourist can see: Lyon. When I was there I visited also the medieval city of Perouges: Perouges. I also had the oportunity to see the aquarium:Lyon Aquarium.
Cu ceva timp în urmă mi-am vizitat sora în Lyon şi am avut ocazia sa vizitez oraşul. Cred că e un oraş fermecător, cu privelişti fantastice. Din cauză că  de obicei mă rătăcesc într-un oraş nou am reuşit să văd citeva lucruri noi pe care turiştii nu le văd de obicei: Lyon. Când am fost acolo am vizitat de asemenea oraşul medieval Perouges: Perouges. De asemenea am avut ocazia să văd acvariul: Lyon Aquarium.

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