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April 17, 2016

Iasi, Romania

        I moved in Iasi in September 2015, but I only started to live here since 10 October 2015. There are many things to love here and I started to discover them. One of the first things to love is without a doubt the: botanical garden. One other interesting spot is the Cetatuia monastery and a picnic spot on the Hill with the antena. Strange enough, the garbage dump provided me with an opportunity to take some very interesting photos of scavenging birds: the birds.
         The spring of 2016 gave me the chance to see the tulips collection, a bit decayed, but still spectacular. I have also some pictures from a bike trip made next to Chirita lake near  Iasi and Jijia river: bike trip. Here are some pictures from the rooftop of my building in: Podul Ros.

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